I’ve been a bit quiet this week because I fell off the wagon on Tuesday. I did not manage my fast at all. I had a bad day, I was doing fine until I got to my Greek lesson and realised I had forgotten my photograph. I had to come home, turn the house upside down because I couldn’t find my spares, and then walk back up. I got back there just as the lesson was ending. By the time I got home I was shaking and dizzy. If I had been more on the ball I would have realised that a cup of tea would have been ample and I would have slept very well that night. Unfortunately in order to have tea I need to go to the shop for milk. This was my downfall, food was looking at me from every direction, even the shelf above the milk in the fridge held fat homemade sandwiches on triara (local village speciality) bread. I was officially done for. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I LOVE bread, especially freshly baked speciality bread, so I have been purposefully avoiding the...