Ok I finally did it and weighed-in even though I knew it was
going to depress me. 89.4kg!?!?!?!?! The morons that say exercise has nothing
to do with weigh loss have not studied the effects of curtailing activity for
over a month while (roughly) sticking to a diet plan.
Ok, this is really bad and I know I need to get back onto
the plan. I know I’m well-off target now but just because I detoured doesn’t mean
I can’t find my way back.
It’s not just the work (and 14hr days do not help), it’s the
constant discomfort from RSI in my shoulders, lack of exercise, my lack of
sleep and my complete disregard for the food I’ve been putting in my body.
My husband asked me to quit one of my writing gigs, it was
excessively long hours for peanuts pay and he was worried about me. I agreed
with him. Much as I love the ability to earn hard cash for something I love,
the peanuts pay and the boredom (similar article content), were sapping my joy
from the work. As my salary is not a necessity for our household income, I
quit. However, I find self-esteem plays a huge part in any weight loss attempt
and losing that validation of my work hit me quite hard.
Unfortunately, my new friend has just had her second child, so
my long walks have been curtailed. I could walk anyway but I really need some
sort of aim in mind when I do. I can’t walk aimlessly, I need a destination in
mind and arriving there covered in sweat is just nasty. I may mention that it
starting to get HOT.
I would like to go for a swim however, the beach is a 35
minute walk away and I arrive dripping (ok it’s not a problem, I can rinse off
in the sea) but then I also have to walk back, still mildly damp from the swim
and with chafe on the inside of my thighs.
Thigh chafe is the scourge of the summer months for anyone carrying
a little extra weight. Unfortunately, for me thigh chafe has always been a
problem. I have never been one of those slender -legged women who have the
whole thigh-gap going for them, even as a very active and slim dancer I had
thick, well-muscled thighs and calves. I
still have the calves, because I walk everywhere, but the thighs have run to a
saggy flab.
Any suggestions for getting more exercise without suffering
dehydration? Failing that any suggestions for combatting thigh chafe?
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