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Showing posts from 2018

Two weeks in 25/03/2018

Okay, I'm two weeks in and two kilos down. This is good What is not good is that I haven't managed a single fast day yet. I am weak. Although not in all respects. After some research and some genuine dissecting of my life and how I feel I have decided to go gluten-free. I have not made this decision lightly or stupidly, in the hope that it will somehow make me lose weight, like some people. I have been feeling depressed (initially attributed to PPD, post-partum depression), I have been feeling perpetually bloated and uncomfortable, even though I've been trying to reduce portion sizes and calorie counting I have not managed to lose an ounce. I have also been extremely tired, even though my hubby has been taking night-time baby care so that we could wean him off all night boob-feasting If they all have a common cause, then the prime suspect is my thyroid and it's hormonal function. Hence rejecting gluten, in addition to increasing iron, selenium (Brazil nu

Lets try again - 13/03/18

I'll admit I'm weak now and get it out of the way. I did not fast yesterday.  I had very good intentions, but they are often blasted to tiny little pieces in the face of toddler determination. I was doing well, 11:00 came around and I was still just on fluids (for reference the small boy had been up since 05:30), and it was snack-before-nap-time. He chose an apple. He took one bite out of it and handed me the other one from the fruit bowl. He then refused to eat his apple if I wasn't eating mine. And he's a smart one, he knows the difference between fake eating and real eating, he would inspect my apple after every bite before taking a bite of his own. Failure one doesn't seem so bad. In the grand and cosmic scheme of dieting I could have snacked on something much less healthy and more calorie-laden. Unfortunately, that is just where it started to go downhill like an avalanche. The reason I tend toward fluid only fasts is because I like eat

First fast - 12/03/18

Okay, let's go! Getting back into this needs a strong opening gambit. Day one and I'm fasting today, fluids only. For me that means TEA, Yorkshire tea to be specific. Tea with milk will keep me well under the 500cal limit with some scope for maybe a couple of cherry tomatoes when the cravings get too bad. Not that I have any intention of deviating, but I may need something to keep me going. That something being the IDEA that I can have a quick snack if I just leave it a little bit later. We shall see how this goes...

A Whole New Start // Mark II

I’m starting again, again. You may have noticed that the last post was a long time ago and was supposed to be a new lease of excited exercising and losing weight. That didn’t happen. Within a few days either side of my last post my son was conceived. Two weeks later I was not sensible. I didn’t know I was pregnant, but I did know that I couldn’t sit still. I did notice several lumps in my breasts – and actually made an appointment to have them checked. By four weeks later I was either feeling violently sick or wanting to eat my own body-weight to prevent me from feeling sick. However, I didn’t get a positive test until the middle of November. By this point I had already self-diagnosed several life-threatening conditions and berated myself over and again for not looking after my health (read weight problem). So there is the reason for the HUGE gap. Now here I am, post pregnancy and (almost) post breast feeding at 96kg/212lbs and ready to start again before I ge