Okay, I'm two weeks in and two kilos down. This is good What is not good is that I haven't managed a single fast day yet. I am weak. Although not in all respects. After some research and some genuine dissecting of my life and how I feel I have decided to go gluten-free. I have not made this decision lightly or stupidly, in the hope that it will somehow make me lose weight, like some people. I have been feeling depressed (initially attributed to PPD, post-partum depression), I have been feeling perpetually bloated and uncomfortable, even though I've been trying to reduce portion sizes and calorie counting I have not managed to lose an ounce. I have also been extremely tired, even though my hubby has been taking night-time baby care so that we could wean him off all night boob-feasting If they all have a common cause, then the prime suspect is my thyroid and it's hormonal function. Hence rejecting gluten, in addition to increasing iron, selenium (Brazil nu...
My Journey To Freedom From Fat - By any means...