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Showing posts from August, 2015

Friday 28th August – Additional weigh-in and a new target

Okay! I have made progress, remembering to take my vitamins this week has definitely helped. Today I weighed in at 85.5kg/188lbs/13st 6lbs. My original plan was to try and achieve a target less than that of my wedding weight, by our wedding anniversary. That hasn’t happened. Even with two weeks on 4:3 and doing two, two-day fluid fasts. The first was because I had a stomach bug, the second was because I felt like I needed a kick-start to make the fat shift again (and I was too hot to eat) It has been too hot to even walk to the shop (100m away), without returning and needing a shower because I’m drenched in my own sweat (ick!). Consequently, ‘exercise’ has become a dirty word. The only way to sneak in my yoga, squats, and abs, is to wake before 5 am when the heat and humidity are at their lowest. Unfortunately, at that time, I’m still dying to crawl back into bed. By the time I’ve managed to wake up and rehydrate, the temperature has soared and I’m sweating just sitt...

Heat and Calorie Consumption

Have you ever wondered why you don’t feel like eating in the middle of a heat wave, or why you overeat in the cold winter months? I began thinking about this recently because we are suffering a heat wave, here in sunny Cyprus.  When I began this way of eating it was January, the weather had turned chilly (for me at least) and on my ‘fast’ days I was really cold. I understood this to be normal and continued on, losing the accumulated weight quite rapidly.  My weight-loss took a bit of a pause (and a small U-turn) and when I finally got myself back into the routine I found that the weight wasn’t shifting. Not only was I sticking to the plan I had increased my water intake too. But the weight was stubbornly refusing to shift at any kind of sensible rate (you may have noticed by my recent weigh-in updates).  It occurred to me that losing weight in the UK may be different from here. There, the summer temperatures rarely rise above 28 or 29 C and in winter can ...

Friday 21st August - Weigh-in Update

Well, today I am an unhappy bunny. A very, unhappy bunny.  I have gained! I’ve weighed myself today and I’m all the way back up to 192lbs/87kg. In the past three days I have consumed approximately 2200 calories, two of those were fast days and on the middle day I had a single meal of chicken breast and couscous.  The worst part is that two days ago I weighed 189lbs/85.8kg. How have I managed to gain 3lbsin two days? One of those days was a fluid fast. I weigh myself every couple of days to try and keep track of any challenges and unpleasant trends. I was feeling great when I saw that measurement and thought it spelled good things for the upcoming update here. However unhappy I’m feeling at this result, I do know that there is a reason for it. I mentioned at the beginning of this blog that the hubby and I want to start a family. Well, we have started on that quest. This month is the first without hormone intervention against pregnancy. For the past ten...

Thursday 13th August

Given my weekend of excess and the consequent return to healthy eating I’ve been suffering from a very grumpy digestive system. As a result I shall be attempting a two-day fluid fast, to try and flush my system of any nasty bugs I may have picked up. Hopefully that may also boost my weight loss again. NB I have discovered a new salad dressing. Replacing balsamic vinegar with fresh lemon or lime makes for a very refreshing dressing and allows the salad to keep more ‘crunch’ to it. It’s yummy!  

Friday 7th August – Weigh- in before a weekend at the in-laws

Ok, Friday morning before a trip to the in-laws and I’m down to 86.4kg. It’s a minimal loss   but it is still a move downward. I have no illusions that I will stick to a diet, especially as it seems we have plan for Lunch on Saturday, dinner on Saturday and Lunch on Sunday. That’s a lot of eating out where I have no real control over how my food is prepared. However, I shall not be trying too hard with this weekend as it is a celebration of 3 birthdays and two anniversaries. That’s four (because we already went out for my birthday) occasions condensed into three. I can justify that and they are also condensed into a short space of time, allowing me to get back on the weight-loss wagon at the earliest opportunity.